Quoting Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> http://people.debian.org/~debacle/mirror.html
> although i did have to do a bit of tweaking.
> what is the preferred/recommended way of building a mirror etc?

As always with Debian, there are many ways to solve the problem.
Everything depends on your needs/skills/...  The howto above is
based on apt-move and only useful, if you

1. know what packages should go into the mirror (of course,
   dependencies are handled automatically)

2. you like to have the control over what is in the mirror

3. you like to/have to prepare the mirror before using it

4. you don't like to have any interferences between the server
   which hosts the mirror and the packages in the mirror itself

apt-proxy works in a different way, but might be useful for you.

Cheers, WB

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