>>>>> On 30 Apr 2004 14:49:53 -0500, Peter Simko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

    > I'm a relative newb trying to configure a network with FAI using fai
    > v2.5.4 and fai-kernels v1.6. I've already run mkdebmirror on the install
    > server to create a mirror for woody. My plan is to use NFS to export the
    > mirror on the server to the remote clients. I'm having a problem running
    > fai-setup though, and I don't know if it's because of a bug or because
    > I've botched fai.conf. The error I get from fai-setup is:

Try make-fai-nfsroot -v.

It also seems that you've upgraded from an old fai version to a new
one. Your fai.conf file is version 1.52 while the default fai.conf
from the fai 2.5.4 package is version 1.78. Please Try again using a
nerw fai.conf.

    > E: Invalid release file, no entry for main/binary-i386-none/Packages
    > chroot: cannot execute apt-get: No such file or directory

... main/binary-i386-none....
"none" is weird. The main problem seems that you do not have gcc
installed on your system. But it's not needed if you use the newer
fai.conf file. 

regards Thomas

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