On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 18:19:51 +0200 (CEST)
Michael Tautschnig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [...]
> >
> > dhcpd.conf
> > ----------
> > allow booting;
> > allow bootp;
> > authorative;
> >
> > option dhcp-max-message-size 2048;
> > use-host-decl-names on;
> > #always-reply-rfc1048 on;
> > filename "pxelinux.0";
> >
> > option root-path "/raid/fai/nfsroot";
> > option domain-name "sara.nl";
> > option domain-name-servers,;
> >
> > subnet netmask {
> >  option broadcast-address;
> >  option routers;
> >  ..
> >  ..
> >  group {
> >    host disp01 {
> >      hardware ethernet 00:0e:0c:63:3e:e3;
> >      fixed-address vctemp;
> Add
> host-name "vctemp";

option host-name "vctemp";

Tried that, didn't work though.

It might have something to do with the way I install the machines too.
I give it a hostname 'disp01', but use the vctemp address for installation.
This is because I install machines on a seperate network and have them renumber
during the installation process (by having hostname.var set the new IP, GATEWAYS, etc)

Again, this method works fine when booting from a boot-CD, but with PXE it doesn't seem
to work. The DHCP server doesn't give out any (parsing) errors or anything when 
it only gives out the strange error messages if I do a "". When
I add an IPAPPEND 1 instead, the error message is gone, and according to the logs 
seems fine. However, the HOSTNAME variable is incorrect. All other variables, such as 
IP, GATEWAYS are set correctly (but not with the new values, since it obviously can't 
the hostname.var). HOSTNAME is set to the first part of the IP (145 in our case) and 
CLASS list also mentions a "145" class.


Jeroen Akershoek - "The guy that keeps the servers running"
SARA Computing and Network Services
tel: +31 20 5923000     fax:   +31 20 6683167

There are actually certain circumstances under which this software
doesn't misperform
        -- Jorrit Adriaanse

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