System :
fai server is a woody using fai 2.5.4

Situation :
At the end of the install process, fai removes all the divert that was
done, specially removing start-stop-daemon fai scripts and replace it
with start-stop-daemon.distrib. I don't know where the last one come
from but it's a dummy script that does nothing. The problem is when you
reboot to get the real server running, no service using
start-stop-daemon will start.

Solution :
Here is my suggestion for a workaround, the real start-stop-daemon is
named start-stop-daemon.REAL, trying to rename it in start-stop-daemon
in scripts/LAST just fails cause the removal of the diverts is done
after that. I finally chose to rename start-stop-daemon.REAL in
start-stop-daemon.distrib so the divert task will do the job of renaming
it in start-stop-daemon.

You should then add something like that in your scripts/LAST :
# Put the real start-stop-daemon binary and let divert do the trick
mv -v $target/sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL \ 

Then the fai-divert -R executed during the task_finish will do the job.

I didn't found any real solution in the mails and saw some guys were
having the same problem than me. I didn't want to modify the fai sources
so I found a solution within my configuration files.

 #=- Stefan Berder                  tel : 6 14 80        -=#
 #=- Ingénieur système et réseau          01 53 95 14 80 -=#
 #=- TRANSPAC / DO-DAE-ADMG        mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] -=#
 #=- /(bb|[^b]{2})/      [EMAIL PROTECTED] -=#

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