On Wed, 2005-08-03 at 15:04 +1000, Nicolas Triantafillou wrote:
> [...]
> As you can see, NETWORK, DHCPC, CLUSTER, ALL and a second instance of
> "VIRTUAL" are missing. It looks like the file isn't being echo'd at all. I
> had this problem a few weeks ago when two identical machines were being
> echo'd the same class name, but one wasn't getting all of the classes
> defined (like example 2), but the other machine worked perfectly. I "solved"
> that one by swapping their ip addresses and hostnames, not a viable solution
> in this case. I don't know why that worked at all and I can't see how it's
> hostname based at all. 
> Please point out if I'm missing something obvious, because I certainly can't
> see it.

did you try to log in to the machine at install time, and see if the
file class/VIRTUAL is there and readable and if you can cat it? 


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