
I have dedicated root server which I would like to setup using FAI. As I
 can't boot the machine over the network or from CDROM/Floppy, the
only possibility is to boot from disk. My plan is to install the nfsroot
and configuration space into a separate disk partition from which the
machine can be booted and installed. Does FAI support this?


| Dipl. El.-Ing. ETH David Hausheer                                  |
| Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zurich     |
| Postal Address: ETH-Zentrum, CH-8092 Zurich                        |
| Phone:  +41-44-632-7540  |         Room: ETZ H83, Gloriastrasse 35 |
| Fax:    +41-44-632-1035  |  E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Mobile: +41-79-336-4076  |  WWW: http://www.csg.ethz.ch/~hausheer/ |

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