Am Dienstag, den 13.09.2005, 18:56 +0200 schrieb Michael Tautschnig:
> [...]
> > 
> > Using config file: /fai/disk_config/HW_SIEMENS04-BS_LW
> > Creating partition table: LC_ALL=C sfdisk -q  /dev/hda
> > < /tmp/fai/partition.hda
> [...]
> Have you enabled ssh or createvt? Then you could try to run the above
> sfdisk-command without the -q after it has failed, as above and try to gather
> some additional information. 
> Did you preserve some partitions? I had some similar experiences when 
> preserving
> partitions generated using a different CHS-layout (MS-DOS/32-GB problem).
> HTH,
> Michael

Yes, I preserve a preinstalled windows partition with XP Pro on hda1

I think you are right with CHS-layout problem.

If I use the 2.4 fai-kernel and not my 2.6.13 custom one, setup_disks
works as expected. Do you have an idea, what kernel option to tune to
get the 2.4.x behaviour out of 2.6.13 kernel?


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