ah, great!  I just didn't know if I understood correctly.  I 
created the directories/files, and it worked out great! 


On 25, Oct, 2005, Henning Sprang declared:

> On Tue, 2005-10-25 at 12:58 -0400, Dan B. Phung wrote:
> > [...]
> > >from what I understand, to do:
> > 
> >   fcopy -i /etc/passwd /etc/groups /etc/shadow
> > 
> > I need the directories in FAI/files/etc/{passwd,groups,shadow} and 
> > in each, I need to have a file with the name of the class that
> > is installed.  Is that correct?  ...and the contents of the
> > file are the contents of my actual file (ie, my /etc/passwd)
> That sounds completely correct.
> And you need a script in the scripts directory, either named like the
> class to be installed, or in a directory under scripts, named like the
> class to be installed, and in that directory you can have any number of
> scripts, names starting with XX where xx is a number, which sets the
> exceution order. These scripts nmust be executable, though. You see in
> the log file if they get executed, look at shell.log.
> What happens in your case now?
> Are you sure the classes are correctly defined?
> Are there any errors in the logfile?
> Henning

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