> Hi,
> On Wed, 18. Jan. 2006 at 05:29:33 -0800, Brian Showalter wrote:
> > You can see the updated tutorial on the FAI wiki at
> > http://faiwiki.informatik.uni-koeln.de/index.php/User:BrianShowalter/Using_customized_kernels_with_FAI.
> and what about modules for the custom kernel? For example alsa? If those
> alsa package is installed before the kernel is installed, than the
> kernel won't like to be installed anymore because there's already an
> existing /lib/modules/2.x.x-xxx directory.


silent_modules = yes

to /etc/kernel-img.conf, which thus needs to be copied before a kernel might get
installed; to do so, I added the hook updatebase.DEFAULT with the following


fcopy -Bi /etc/apt/sources.list
fcopy -Bi /etc/kernel-img.conf


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