H Guys,

to be accurate:

it's easy to create a minimal base.tar.gz from sles9 via yast "Install to Dir" 

SLES10 doesn't have this minimal installation template anymore.

SuSE told on some MLs that it would come back with SP1 but it's not sure.

For us, SLES10 is not a solution anymore. All Server are running nowadays 
Ubuntu Server or SLES9 SP3 (e.g. for Oracle Server)


On Thursday 19 October 2006 11:55, Thomas Lange wrote:
> >>>>> On Thu, 19 Oct 2006 14:09:29 +1000, Edward Murphy
> >>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >>>>>
>     > Primarily i would like to install Ubuntu Server, however I am also
>     > interested in using fai to install Centos, or better yet RedHat AS/ES
>     > Linux.
> Ok. First Ubuntu.
> Reinhard is preparing FAI 3.X version for ubuntu edgy. We hope that
> this version will be included into edgy. You can see the sources here:
> http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/fai/people/siretart/
> For other distribution (rpm based) this is how it's done. Use FAI 3.1
> (will be released in a few days) or newer. You will still use a Debian
> (or Ubuntu) nfsroot that is easily create using the make-fai-nfsroot
> command. The difficult part is to create the base.tgz file for the
> other distributions. Have a look at this url
> http://faiwiki.informatik.uni-koeln.de/index.php/FAI_multi-distribution
> It's a little bit outdated, because since FAI 3.0 there's a new
> subdirectory in the config space called basefiles/ where you should
> put your Centos or SLES or RHES base.tgz file. Call this file
> SLES10.tar.gz for e.g. and define a class for your install client
> called SLES10, the it will extract this base tar file and the the
> default Debian one. The tool for installing packages (called
> install_packages) also nows how to install pacakges via rpm, urpm, yum
> and other methods. Have a look at the code.
> And sure you have to adjust the package_config files, since packages
> may have different names. And check all scripts in
> scripts/... directories which are sometimes Debian specific.
> BTW, I happy about any feedback how this works and maybe you like to
> update the wiki pages concerning this topic.

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