Torsten Schlabach wrote:
> Henning,
> I would indeed be interested in that "right" arguments for fai-chboot. So if 
> you found the time to write this to the Wiki, this would be great.

Sorry for replying late - I'm really busy these days, and again don't
have the command at hand because I'm not near to any machine running fai.

It's something like copying the "normal" Debian kernel and initrd
somewhere _next_ (not in!) to the pxelinux.conf directory, giving this
filename as the kernel argument in fai-chboot(I don't have a fai-chboot
man page at hand now), and addind initrd=FILENAME as kernel append
parameter, IIRC.

This might be horribly wrong, I use it too seldom to have it at hand, so
somebody else who has done this and can check might tell, I think there
was even posts on this list here.


( if you still don't have it, please remind me in private mail so I
think of you when at the right place - this list is filtered and I only
read it occasionally these days)

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