Thomas Lange wrote:
On Fri, 10 Aug 2007 11:18:29 +0200, Vincent Batoufflet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I have a problem with my FAI setup. My FAI server is an i386 system and > provide setup for both i386 and amd64 systems.

> My amd64 nfsroot was created on a amd64 system an copied on the server. > FAI works fine with i386 setups. But with amd64 I have an error in my > /var/log/fai/current/error.log at the end of the FAI setup.

    > shell.log:ERROR: No kernel was installed. Have a look at shell.log
> software.log:Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched > "linux-image-486"
Have a look at software.log and check if your client really belongs to
the class AMD64 and not to I386.

The only noticeable error I have found in 'software.log' is: Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "linux-image-486", the one reported in 'shell.log'.

In my /var/log/fai/current/FAI_CLASSES I have:


Vincent Batoufflet

Buf Compagnie
3 rue Roquepine 75008 Paris, FRANCE
tel +33 1 42 68 18 28 - fax +33 1 42 68 18 29

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