
All right, another try.


Loading keymap(s) fr-latin1 ...done.
Calling task_action
FAI_ACTION: install
Performing FAI installation. All data may be overwritten!

Calling task_install
Source hook: partition.PROSODIE.source
Unrecognized escape \d passed through at /fai/store/lib/exec.pm line
disklist was:
cciss/c0d0Input was:
disk_config disk1 bootable:1
primary /boot 500 ext3 rw
primary - 0- - -

disk_config lvm
vg VG01 disk1.2
VG01-swap       swap    2048    swap    sw
VG01-root       /       2048    ext3    rw
VG01-opt        /opt    3048    ext3    rw
VG01-var        /var    2000    ext3    rw
VG01-tmp        /tmp    600     ext3    rw
VG01-usr        /usr    2000    ext3    rw
VG01-appli      /appli  0-      ext3    rw
(CMD) parted -s /dev/cciss/c0d0 unit TiB print 1> /tmp/v1iVf3jhTf 2>
(STDOUT) Disk /dev/cciss/c0d0: 0.03TiB
(STDOUT) Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
(STDOUT) Partition Table: msdos
(STDOUT) Number  Start  End  Size  Type  File system  Flags
(CMD) parted -s /dev/cciss/c0d0 unit B print free 1> /tmp/pSWTqRTavQ 2>
(STDOUT) Disk /dev/cciss/c0d0: 36414750719B
(STDOUT) Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
(STDOUT) Partition Table: msdos
(STDOUT) Number  Start  End           Size          Type  File system
(STDOUT)         0B     36414750719B  36414750720B        Free Space

(CMD) parted -s /dev/cciss/c0d0 unit chs print free 1> /tmp/hlEaWBJ3ZH
2> /tmp/gB9KX4Ey3p
(STDOUT) Disk /dev/cciss/c0d0: 4427,44,32
(STDOUT) Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
(STDOUT) BIOS cylinder,head,sector geometry: 4427,255,63.  Each cylinder
is 8225kB.
(STDOUT) Partition Table: msdos
(STDOUT) Number  Start  End         Type  File system  Flags
(STDOUT)         0,0,0  4427,44,32        Free Space        
    Finding all volume groups
  No volume groups found
(CMD) mdadm --detail --scan --verbose -c partitions 1> /tmp/Gnb84j5G7r
2> /tmp/vmOSXia0cs
Current disk layout
$VAR1 = {
          '/dev/cciss/c0d0' => {
                                 'bios_heads' => '255',
                                 'disklabel' => 'msdos',
                                 'partitions' => {},
                                 'bios_cylinders' => '4427',
                                 'size' => '36414750719',
                                 'sector_size' => '512',
                                 'begin_byte' => 0,
                                 'end_byte' => '36414750718',
                                 'bios_sectors_per_track' => '63'
Current LVM layout
$VAR1 = {};
Current RAID layout
$VAR1 = {};
Desired disk layout
$VAR1 = {
          'PHY_/dev/cciss/c0d0' => {
                                     'disklabel' => 'msdos',
                                     'partitions' => {
                                                       '1' => {
'start_byte' => 32256,
=> 1,
'mountpoint' => '/boot',
'mount_options' => 'rw',
=> {
'resize' => 0,
'range' => '518160384-518160384',
'preserve' => 0,
'eff_size' => 518160384,
'extended' => 0
'filesystem' => 'ext3',
'fs_options' => '',
'end_byte' => 518192639
                                                       '2' => {
'start_byte' => 518192640,
=> 2,
'mountpoint' => '-',
'mount_options' => '-',
=> {
'resize' => 0,
'range' => '35895121920-35895121920',
'preserve' => 0,
'eff_size' => '35895121920',
'extended' => 0
'filesystem' => '-',
'fs_options' => '',
'end_byte' => '36413314559'
                                     'fstabkey' => 'device',
                                     'bootable' => '1',
                                     'virtual' => 0
          'VG_VG01' => {
                         'volumes' => {
                                        'appli' => {
                                                     'filesystem' =>
                                                     'fs_options' => '',
                                                     'mountpoint' =>
                                                     'mount_options' =>
                                                     'size' => {
'resize' => 0,
=> '0-33889.933300972',
'preserve' => 0,
'eff_size' => '22145.9333007813'
                                        'var' => {
                                                   'filesystem' =>
                                                   'fs_options' => '',
                                                   'mountpoint' =>
                                                   'mount_options' =>
                                                   'size' => {
=> 0,
=> '2000-2000',
'preserve' => 0,
'eff_size' => 2000
                                        'swap' => {
                                                    'filesystem' =>
                                                    'fs_options' => '',
                                                    'mountpoint' =>
                                                    'mount_options' =>
                                                    'size' => {
=> 0,
=> '2048-2048',
'preserve' => 0,
'eff_size' => 2048
                                        'opt' => {
                                                   'filesystem' =>
                                                   'fs_options' => '',
                                                   'mountpoint' =>
                                                   'mount_options' =>
                                                   'size' => {
=> 0,
=> '3048-3048',
'preserve' => 0,
'eff_size' => 3048
                                        'root' => {
                                                    'filesystem' =>
                                                    'fs_options' => '',
                                                    'mountpoint' => '/',
                                                    'mount_options' =>
                                                    'size' => {
=> 0,
=> '2048-2048',
'preserve' => 0,
'eff_size' => 2048
                                        'usr' => {
                                                   'filesystem' =>
                                                   'fs_options' => '',
                                                   'mountpoint' =>
                                                   'mount_options' =>
                                                   'size' => {
=> 0,
=> '2000-2000',
'preserve' => 0,
'eff_size' => 2000
                                        'tmp' => {
                                                   'filesystem' =>
                                                   'fs_options' => '',
                                                   'mountpoint' =>
                                                   'mount_options' =>
                                                   'size' => {
=> 0,
=> '600-600',
'preserve' => 0,
'eff_size' => 600
                         'devices' => {
                                        '/dev/cciss/c0d0p2' => {}
Erased devices: /dev/cciss/c0d0p2
parted -s /dev/cciss/c0d0 mklabel msdos
parted -s /dev/cciss/c0d0 mklabel msdos
parted -s /dev/cciss/c0d0 mkpart primary ext3 32256B 518192639B
parted -s /dev/cciss/c0d0 mkpart primary - 518192640B 36413314559B
parted -s /dev/cciss/c0d0 set 1 boot on
udevsettle --timeout=10
mkfs.ext3  /dev/cciss/c0d01
parted -s /dev/cciss/c0d0 set 2 lvm on
udevsettle --timeout=10
pvremove -ff -y /dev/cciss/c0d0p2
pvcreate /dev/cciss/c0d0p2
vgcreate VG01 /dev/cciss/c0d0p2
vgchange -a y VG01
lvcreate -n appli -L 22145.9333007813 VG01
mkfs.ext3  /dev/VG01/appli
lvcreate -n var -L 2000 VG01
mkfs.ext3  /dev/VG01/var
lvcreate -n swap -L 2048 VG01
mkswap  /dev/VG01/swap
lvcreate -n opt -L 3048 VG01
mkfs.ext3  /dev/VG01/opt
lvcreate -n root -L 2048 VG01
mkfs.ext3  /dev/VG01/root
lvcreate -n usr -L 2000 VG01
mkfs.ext3  /dev/VG01/usr
lvcreate -n tmp -L 600 VG01
mkfs.ext3  /dev/VG01/tmp
(CMD) parted -s /dev/cciss/c0d0 mklabel msdos 1> /tmp/mLW1AV3AiX 2>
(CMD) parted -s /dev/cciss/c0d0 mklabel msdos 1> /tmp/olgXbz6Gba 2>
(CMD) parted -s /dev/cciss/c0d0 mkpart primary ext3 32256B 518192639B 1>
/tmp/EiyKuQ16mx 2> /tmp/PRUSkvjD8Y
(CMD) parted -s /dev/cciss/c0d0 mkpart primary - 518192640B 36413314559B
1> /tmp/Avx4vGjdL3 2> /tmp/0tvnmlk6GN
Command had exit code 1
(CMD) parted -s /dev/cciss/c0d0 set 1 boot on 1> /tmp/mkvoialmK5 2>
(CMD) udevsettle --timeout=10 1> /tmp/cNa9La8NQ2 2> /tmp/tMJk5yTOHy
(CMD) mkfs.ext3  /dev/cciss/c0d01 1> /tmp/Zf48kZQNzC 2> /tmp/Nww4t5jf80
Command had exit code 1
(STDERR) mke2fs 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)
(STDERR) Could not stat /dev/cciss/c0d01 --- No such file or directory
(STDERR) The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it
(CMD) parted -s /dev/cciss/c0d0 set 2 lvm on 1> /tmp/l1N7iMiUGK 2>
Command had exit code 1
(STDERR) Error: Partition doesn't exist.
(CMD) udevsettle --timeout=10 1> /tmp/PvJ4Gv5WaS 2> /tmp/SsXOxpSO88
(CMD) pvremove -ff -y /dev/cciss/c0d0p2 1> /tmp/3ZTFRPg2Ia 2>
Command had exit code 5
(STDERR)   /dev/cciss/c0d0p2: Couldn't find device.  Check your filters?
(CMD) pvcreate /dev/cciss/c0d0p2 1> /tmp/z8rIXcpCqj 2> /tmp/H5xCBSceGn
Command had exit code 5
(STDERR)   Device /dev/cciss/c0d0p2 not found (or ignored by filtering).
(CMD) vgcreate VG01 /dev/cciss/c0d0p2 1> /tmp/0QFHUzBB6f 2>
Command had exit code 5
(STDERR)   /dev/cciss/c0d0p2 not identified as an existing physical
(STDERR)   Unable to add physical volume '/dev/cciss/c0d0p2' to volume
group 'VG01'.
(CMD) vgchange -a y VG01 1> /tmp/HgAx4qoOqR 2> /tmp/RSB6uIcFke
Command had exit code 5
(STDERR)   Volume group "VG01" not found
(CMD) lvcreate -n appli -L 22145.9333007813 VG01 1> /tmp/SVrOY3uFGa 2>
Command had exit code 5
(STDERR)   Volume group "VG01" doesn't exist
(CMD) mkfs.ext3  /dev/VG01/appli 1> /tmp/5Ineo8qU1P 2> /tmp/weLUD5FPDW
Command had exit code 1
(STDERR) mke2fs 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)
(STDERR) Could not stat /dev/VG01/appli --- No such file or directory
(STDERR) The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it
(CMD) lvcreate -n var -L 2000 VG01 1> /tmp/TqmpzrJQb6 2> /tmp/u48tmunon6
Command had exit code 5
(STDERR)   Volume group "VG01" doesn't exist
(CMD) mkfs.ext3  /dev/VG01/var 1> /tmp/C34P4cV12k 2> /tmp/lagDQrmGOI
Command had exit code 1
(STDERR) mke2fs 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)
(STDERR) Could not stat /dev/VG01/var --- No such file or directory
(STDERR) The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it
(CMD) lvcreate -n swap -L 2048 VG01 1> /tmp/R6ZH7Ktoqn 2>
Command had exit code 5
(STDERR)   Volume group "VG01" doesn't exist
(CMD) mkswap  /dev/VG01/swap 1> /tmp/VFwY5RZNuH 2> /tmp/TWhyfPJCKR
Command had exit code 1
(STDERR) /dev/VG01/swap: No such file or directory
(CMD) lvcreate -n opt -L 3048 VG01 1> /tmp/fPVguWXF9j 2> /tmp/7JXjlr1m2A
Command had exit code 5
(STDERR)   Volume group "VG01" doesn't exist
(CMD) mkfs.ext3  /dev/VG01/opt 1> /tmp/TTGlUFXYmC 2> /tmp/a2gCA5EItD
Command had exit code 1
(STDERR) mke2fs 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)
(STDERR) Could not stat /dev/VG01/opt --- No such file or directory
(STDERR) The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it
(CMD) lvcreate -n root -L 2048 VG01 1> /tmp/KXa9AYCpMR 2>
Command had exit code 5
(STDERR)   Volume group "VG01" doesn't exist
(CMD) mkfs.ext3  /dev/VG01/root 1> /tmp/LaWA3VfkHx 2> /tmp/wjjFcMHQUv
Command had exit code 1
(STDERR) mke2fs 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)
(STDERR) Could not stat /dev/VG01/root --- No such file or directory
(STDERR) The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it
(CMD) lvcreate -n usr -L 2000 VG01 1> /tmp/6Ge9c7rdeh 2> /tmp/cDernHsmr1
Command had exit code 5
(STDERR)   Volume group "VG01" doesn't exist
(CMD) mkfs.ext3  /dev/VG01/usr 1> /tmp/aThcbYie0e 2> /tmp/KyPTg1fvwg
Command had exit code 1
(STDERR) mke2fs 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)
(STDERR) Could not stat /dev/VG01/usr --- No such file or directory
(STDERR) The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it
(CMD) lvcreate -n tmp -L 600 VG01 1> /tmp/aBZLqJ7sn1 2> /tmp/yBA35Ilflu
Command had exit code 5
(STDERR)   Volume group "VG01" doesn't exist
(CMD) mkfs.ext3  /dev/VG01/tmp 1> /tmp/Nfu8yC0HCI 2> /tmp/LBCmK4Vh9B
Command had exit code 1
(STDERR) mke2fs 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)
(STDERR) Could not stat /dev/VG01/tmp --- No such file or directory
(STDERR) The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it
(CMD) /lib/udev/vol_id -u /dev/cciss/c0d01 1> /tmp/lEMdmoBXXB 2>
Command had exit code 2
Failed to obtain UUID for /dev/cciss/c0d01
(STDERR) /dev/cciss/c0d01: error open volume
/fai/hooks/partition.PROSODIE.source: line 20:
/var/log/fai/current/disk_var.sh: No such file or directory
partition.PROSODIE.source OK.
Skiping task_partition
Calling task_mountdisks

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