Le dim 05 oct 2008 12:17:43 CEST, Jean Spirat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a
écrit :

> Jean Spirat a écrit :
> > Hello,
> >
> >  All my tests works well but i have a failure when i try to install a 
> > host with two ethernet cards. The dhcp and tftp runs on the eth1 
> > network and it works fine. But the issue is that the fai kernel when 
> > loaded bring not eth1 but eth0.
> >
> >  So it can never connect to the nfs server.i tried to add 
> > ether=0,0,eth1 to the pxe config but this does not work as it seems 
> > the tg3 modules is not in kernel but comes from the initramfs. I do 
> > not see how i can change anything in the fai kernel or initd to make 
> > this works. Anyone know how to deal with this problem or know if i do 
> > something wrong ?


  I've got the same problem with a Debian-Live system booted from PXE
network (follow this thread :
http://lists.debian.org/debian-live/2008/09/msg00248.html), and the solution 
was to use a small script (attached to this e-mail) to select the right 
interface (one connected) to do the DHCP, then NFS mount. The script has to be 
installed in the FAI's initrd : put it in the scripts/init-premount/ of the FAI 
Initramfs' config directory () and rebuild the initrd for your net boot.


Attachment: select_eth_device
Description: Binary data

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