> Executing: vgdisplay --units m -s
> Command vgdisplay --units m -s had exit code 5
That one is really really strange already...

> While investigating I've found this:
> # pvremove -ff -y /dev/sda3
> /etc/lvm/.cache: open failed: Permission denied
> /var/lock/lvm: mkdir failed: Permission denied
> Locking type 1 initialisation failed.
> # echo $?
> 5
I'm really really puzzled with this one.

> This seems to be only happening on a specific workstation that I had
> previously installed using 3.2.9 version of FAI (although I might had
> been using static disks instead of LVM at the time).  This config using
> 3.2.10 runs smoothly everywhere else... So I just don't get it.
> Help appreciated!
> NOTE: Could similar bug be fixed in 3.2.11 ? Or 3.2.12 SVN ?
No, not really, because I can't seem to see the problem inside setup-storage :-)

Well, from a quick search on the net I only got a single reference of an ubuntu
user having similar LVM problems (but independent of FAI). Unless you need to
preserve some data, could you try to run dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda for a few
seconds and just cancel that by means of Ctrl-C. This should flush any partition
tables and LVM meta data. Does it then work? Not that this would be a real
solution, but it really rather looks like some bug in LVM to me.


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