Have anyone of you already integrated Wake-on-lan feature on fai-chboot
script so that pcs gets started?

I mean you run fai-chboot -ov xubuntudesktop* and after setting up all the
possibles configuration files for pxelinux it runs:
etherwake MAC
where MAC is deduced from dhcpd.conf file and /etc/hosts.
And thus all the pcs power on.

Or do you run it manually thanks to a for loop from a text file?

Firma Automática 1:
Adrian Gibanel Lopez
Estudiante de Ingenieria de Informatica de Sistemas en la Universitat de
Firma Automática 2:
Participante en el III Concurso Universitario de Software Libre.
Proyecto: Desdeslin. http://desdeslin.wordpress.com

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