>>>>> On Tue, 17 Feb 2009 16:22:39 +0100, Axel Freyn <axel-fr...@gmx.de> said:

    > I'm using FAI 3.2.16 with lenny. In order to avoid problems with
    > clients which are not shut down properly by the users, I mount /var/run
    > and /var/run as tmpfs (by defining RAMLOCK=yes and RAMRUN=yes in
    > /etc/default/tmpfs).
AFAIK this does not work if /var is a seperate partition. See 

Have also a look at bug #464541, maybe it's related to your problem.
If not, it would be nice if you could file an additional bug
report. This is the best method so I will not forget to fix your bug.

    > But nevertheless, FAI is great;-)

regards Thomas

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