Here is a working example from our DUALBOOT setup:

disk_config disk1
primary  -             preserve1     ro,nosuid            ;
primary  /             1000-2000     rw,errors=remount-ro ; -c -j ext3
logical swap 2000-8000 rw logical /var 2000-5000 rw ; -m 5 -j ext3
logical  /tmp          2000-5000     rw                   ; -m 0 -j ext3
logical  /usr          8000-16000    rw                   ; -j ext3
logical  /scratch      50-           rw,nosuid            ; -m 1 -j ext3

Gert Huisman

John G. Heim wrote:
I am trying to create some dual-boot machines using FAI. But I cannot figure hout how to preserve the first partition where Windows is installed. I did managed to wipe Windows out on one computer.

If I say preserve_always:1, do I still have to create a line for that partition? I want linux installed on primary partition 2.

This does *not* work:

disk_config disk1 disklabel:msdos preserve_always:1

primary  /             6G ext3   rw,errors=remount-ro
logical  swap          1G-2G   swap   rw
logical /var 10G-20G ext3 rw createopts="-m 5" tuneopts="-c 0 -i 0" logical /tmp 1G-2G ext3 rw createopts="-m 0" tuneopts="-c 0 -i 0"
logical  /usr          10G-40G      ext3   rw
logical  /home         100-50%    ext3   rw,nosuid
createopts="-m 1" tuneopts="-c 0 -i 0"

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