Hi Richard,

Richard Grant wrote:
> This was actually the only problem we found, but if it was doing
> something like this then we weren't convinced it wouldn't be doing other
> things that we would only discover later on. Using a jaunty base.tgz
> resolved this issue (and hopefully any others that we hadn't discovered...)

I realized a mistake in my questioning:

What situation do you mean with "otherwise it didn't work"?

Did you really try to put something(specifically, a
debootstrapped-minimal jaunty image) like MY-UBUNUT-JAUNTY-CLASS.tar.gz
into basefiles and let FAI extract this image, as described in the
mentioned wiki page?
Or did you just try to "upgrade" a lenny base image to Jaunty by
changing the apt sources.list to be an Ubuntu one?

The first should work the same as changing the base.tgz in the nfsroot,
but is a bit cleaner, and reservese the possibiliyt of installing plain
debian and others nicely, and I can not imagine how the problem
described could happen that way.
While the latter most defintely can only fail.


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