Le jeudi 27 août 2009 à 15:05 +0200, Henning Sprang a écrit :
> Mathieu Alorent wrote:
> > I've found that the use of Ubuntu Hardy NfsRoot 
> You're usinf fai (latest version) on an UBuntu server?
> >works whereas Debian
> > Lenny Not.
> > 
> > Here is a difference I've seen from both systems:
> > 
> >   VG Size               34.16 GB
> >   PE Size               4.00 MB
> >   VG Size               34,16 GB
> >   PE Size               4,00 MB
> > 
> > is this a bug in liblinux-lvm-perl that don't understand numbers with
> > dots...?
> I don't understand a lot about the new partitioning tool yet - but yes,
> it's possible that dots vs. comma makes the difference.
> I could imagine, that two different programs(e.g. setup storage code and
> lvm tools) run with different locales, which might lead to different
> decimal separators being output/expected, and therefore not match
> between tools .
> Henning

After inquiring, dots vs. comma, shouldn't be the problem...

The problem disappear if I copy /usr/share/perl5/Linux/LVM.pm from
ubuntu to lenny (use liblinux-lvm-perl_0.13 instead of 0.14)

Something interesting is :
from vgdisplay:
    Alloc PE / Size       0 / 0   

and the associated regexp in LVM.pm:
m/^Alloc PE \/ Size\s+(\S+) \/ (\S+) (\S+)/

which doesn't match!

With lib 0.13 the is no complain about empty
"$vghash{$vgn}->{alloc_pe_size}" but it's not the case with lib 0.14.

I didn't found what's make the difference...
Mathieu Alorent
Shell&Core Sophia-Antipolis

Tél: 04 97 12 6226


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