
I try to start and understand how FAI works.
I have configured my first client to boot under FAI. Everything went well but something is not really clear to me. My filesystem and all installed packages are installed under /target in stead of /

rootfs                126M  2.6M  123M   3% /
udev                   10M  540K  9.5M   6% /dev
                     6.5G  1.3G  4.9G  20% /live/image
tmpfs                 126M  2.6M  123M   3% /live/cow
aufs                  126M  2.6M  123M   3% /
tmpfs                 126M     0  126M   0% /live
                     6.5G  1.3G  4.9G  20% /var/lib/fai/config
/dev/sda1             5.8G  423M  5.1G   8% /target
/dev/sda6             981M   18M  954M   2% /target/home
udev                   10M  540K  9.5M   6% /target/dev

In /etc/fstab I get
aufs / aufs rw 0 0
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 0
/dev/sda5 swap swap defaults 0 0

In /target/etc/fstab I get
/dev/sda1       /       ext3    rw,errors=remount-ro    0       1
/dev/sda6       /home   ext3    rw,nosuid       0       2
/dev/sda5       none    swap    rw      0       2

Any idea what I forget

Many thanks

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