Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
I believe resizing of logical volumes with ext2/ext3 should work as of
3.3.5+experimental1; for the moment, resize2fs will *not* be used on normal
partitions as I'd need to take huge pains to make that work reliably, because
resizing of the underlying partition cannot be done using parted *without*
resizing the filesystem as well. Adding support for this is scheduled for some
later release of parted (see first Q in resizing section of

I'm afraid it doesn't, fai fails in task partition. fai.log is at http://paste.debian.net/68000/.

I don't understand the difference you make here between "the underlying partition" and the "filesystem" : AFAIK we only need to resize the LVM volume, which has nothing to do with parted, and the filesystem. The volume group does not need to be resized. I surely missed something...


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