On Sat, 2010-09-25 at 13:45 +0200, Michael Tautschnig wrote:

> - The problem of completely corrupting the table should be fixed for all
>   versions >= 4.0~beta2+experimental14
> - The preserve_always:all interpretation as *really don't touch this disk* is
>   finally there in 4.0~beta2+experimental16.
> Further testing would be much appreciated :-)

I tested 4.0~beta2+experimental19 . An old bug seems to have
re-surfaced, and not much useful work gets done.

The job ends with 
Preserving extended partitions is not supported; mark all logical partitions 

The "all" obviously includes the extended partition, thus this check
makes the "preserve_always:all" unusable on disks which contain extended

Log attached.


setup-harddisks is running in test-only mode
Starting setup-storage 1.3+exp
disklist was: hda
Using config file: /var/lib/fai/config/disk_config/DISK_jensen
Input was:
# setup-storage configuration file for the laptop, jensen.
# It comes with a small partition as sda1, the larger
# sda2 for Win7, and sda4 for recovery.
# I shrunk sda2, created an extended partition in the empty
# space, and divided it between Windows Home (D:) and linux
# partitions. We preserve the size and location of everything, 
# but create new filesystems.

# We use the "always_format" option which was created partially
# at my own request into FAI 3.3.5+experimental2.

disk_config disk1 bootable:1 preserve_always:all always_format:6,7,8,9,10,11,12
primary  -      0   -     -
primary  -      0   -     -
logical  -      0   -     -
logical  /      0   ext3  rw,errors=remount-ro   createopts="-c -j"
logical  swap   0   swap  sw
logical  /var   0   ext3  rw                     createopts="-c -m 5 -j"
logical  /tmp   0   ext3  rw                     createopts="-c -m 0 -j"
logical  /usr   0   ext3  rw                     createopts="-c -j"
logical  /home  0   ext3  rw,nosuid,nodev        createopts="-m 1 -j"
logical  /wrk   0   ext3  rw,nosuid,nodev        createopts="-m 1 -j"
primary  -      0   -     -
(CMD) parted -s /dev/hda unit TiB print 1> /tmp/P5xYqyonui 2> /tmp/wv0zEsATZ6
Executing: parted -s /dev/hda unit TiB print
(STDOUT) Model: ST380011A (ide)
(STDOUT) Disk /dev/hda: 0.07TiB
(STDOUT) Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
(STDOUT) Partition Table: msdos
(STDOUT) Number  Start    End      Size     Type      File system  Flags
(STDOUT)  1      0.00TiB  0.00TiB  0.00TiB  primary   ntfs         boot 
(STDOUT)  2      0.00TiB  0.01TiB  0.01TiB  primary   ntfs              
(STDOUT)  3      0.01TiB  0.07TiB  0.06TiB  extended               lba  
(STDOUT)  5      0.01TiB  0.04TiB  0.03TiB  logical   ntfs              
(STDOUT)  6      0.04TiB  0.04TiB  0.00TiB  logical   ext3              
(STDOUT)  7      0.04TiB  0.04TiB  0.00TiB  logical   linux-swap        
(STDOUT)  8      0.04TiB  0.04TiB  0.00TiB  logical   ext3              
(STDOUT)  9      0.04TiB  0.04TiB  0.00TiB  logical   ext3              
(STDOUT) 10      0.04TiB  0.05TiB  0.01TiB  logical   ext3              
(STDOUT) 11      0.05TiB  0.06TiB  0.01TiB  logical   ext3              
(STDOUT) 12      0.06TiB  0.07TiB  0.01TiB  logical   ext3              
(STDOUT)  4      0.07TiB  0.07TiB  0.01TiB  primary   ntfs              
(CMD) parted -s /dev/hda unit B print free 1> /tmp/ekcxOSknGe 2> /tmp/lUv4G7PuE3
Executing: parted -s /dev/hda unit B print free
(STDOUT) Model: ST380011A (ide)
(STDOUT) Disk /dev/hda: 80026361856B
(STDOUT) Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
(STDOUT) Partition Table: msdos
(STDOUT) Number  Start         End           Size          Type      File system  Flags
(STDOUT)  1      32256B        1044610559B   1044578304B   primary   ntfs         boot 
(STDOUT)  2      1044610560B   11531842559B  10487232000B  primary   ntfs              
(STDOUT)  3      11531842560B  73945267199B  62413424640B  extended               lba  
(STDOUT)  5      11531874816B  42985313279B  31453438464B  logical   ntfs              
(STDOUT)         42985313280B  43009989119B  24675840B               Free Space        
(STDOUT)  6      43010021376B  43643335679B  633314304B    logical   ext3              
(STDOUT)  7      43643367936B  45740782079B  2097414144B   logical   linux-swap        
(STDOUT)  8      45740814336B  46472831999B  732017664B    logical   ext3              
(STDOUT)  9      46472864256B  47204881919B  732017664B    logical   ext3              
(STDOUT) 10      47204914176B  53497221119B  6292306944B   logical   ext3              
(STDOUT) 11      53497253376B  63984453119B  10487199744B  logical   ext3              
(STDOUT) 12      63984485376B  73945267199B  9960781824B   logical   ext3              
(STDOUT)         73945267200B  74447009279B  501742080B              Free Space        
(STDOUT)  4      74447009280B  80023749119B  5576739840B   primary   ntfs              
(CMD) parted -s /dev/hda unit chs print free 1> /tmp/JgYDppZ4o5 2> /tmp/5VGmWY9Jhq
Executing: parted -s /dev/hda unit chs print free
(STDOUT) Model: ST380011A (ide)
(STDOUT) Disk /dev/hda: 9729,80,62
(STDOUT) Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
(STDOUT) BIOS cylinder,head,sector geometry: 9729,255,63.  Each cylinder is 8225kB.
(STDOUT) Partition Table: msdos
(STDOUT) Number  Start     End          Type      File system  Flags
(STDOUT)  1      0,1,0     126,254,62   primary   ntfs         boot 
(STDOUT)  2      127,0,0   1401,254,62  primary   ntfs              
(STDOUT)  3      1402,0,0  8989,254,62  extended               lba  
(STDOUT)  5      1402,1,0  5225,254,62  logical   ntfs              
(STDOUT)         5226,0,0  5228,254,62            Free Space        
(STDOUT)  6      5229,1,0  5305,254,62  logical   ext3              
(STDOUT)  7      5306,1,0  5560,254,62  logical   linux-swap        
(STDOUT)  8      5561,1,0  5649,254,62  logical   ext3              
(STDOUT)  9      5650,1,0  5738,254,62  logical   ext3              
(STDOUT) 10      5739,1,0  6503,254,62  logical   ext3              
(STDOUT) 11      6504,1,0  7778,254,62  logical   ext3              
(STDOUT) 12      7779,1,0  8989,254,62  logical   ext3              
(STDOUT)         8990,0,0  9050,254,62            Free Space        
(STDOUT)  4      9051,0,0  9728,254,62  primary   ntfs              
    Finding all volume groups
(CMD) mdadm --examine --scan --verbose -c partitions 1> /tmp/7EMxbUV67n 2> /tmp/jjK3C9s3KK
Executing: mdadm --examine --scan --verbose -c partitions
Preserving extended partitions is not supported; mark all logical partitions instead

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