Hello Michael,
Executing: mdadm --examine --scan --verbose -c partitions
Previous partitions overflow begin of preserved partition /dev/sda2

I tried several values for the /local volume, but always get the
same message. Here's the debug format.log, which happens to be
pretty short.


There seems to be some problem with the size or position of your /boot
partition. It might be caused by a change in alignment, which may even have
introduced a bug!? Could you please change the size of /boot to 511, report back
and, if it works, also do yet another run and send the debug logs of both runs?

The /boot partition has be built by FAI 3.3.5 (setup-storage 1.2.1), asking for a size of 512 like I still do now. The parted command was the following:

parted -s /dev/sda mkpart primary ext3 32256B 534643199B

The installation does not work better after setting the size of /boot to 511, the log is exactly the same as with 512. Setting the size to 480 makes it work, though, the log is joined.

I have also tried to preserve the existing /boot partition, and this has worked fine:

disk_config disk1 preserve_lazy:1 always_format:1
primary        /boot           0    ext3    rw


Attachment: format.log.bz2
Description: application/bzip

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