>>>>> On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 09:09:34 +0100, "Thierry LAMOUREUX" 
>>>>> <thierry.lamour...@noveltis.fr> said:

    > I would like to use FAI to install and update computers/servers under 
    > and CentOS (non Homogeneous IS).

    > On your homepage it is specified that FAI could be use for both OS <
    > Installs and updates Debian, Ubuntu, SuSe, RHEL, CentOS, Mandriva, 
    > ... > but the installation documentation is only related to debian systems
    > (FAI server and FAI clients).

    > Do you have any documentation that could match with my needs ?
Hi Thierry,

you're right. The documentation about CentOS support is not that
good. My plans are, that FAI 4.x will support CentOS out-of-the-box
with a good documentation. Maybe you like to help testing and giving
feedback on this topic. But let's do this on the linux-fai mailing
list (see CC:).

Here's what has to be done:

- create a base.tgz of Centos (tools: rinse, maybe mach, see
- name this tarbar CENTOS5_I386.tar.gz for example
- put it into /srv/fai/config/basefiles
- add class CENTOS5_I386 to your client
- write a hook prepareapt.CENTOS5_I386 which includes code to set up
  access to the centos package repository

If you finished those parts the package installation should
work. Then, the customization scripts have to be checked for Debian
specific things, for e.g. how to setup the boot loader.

I you need any help, please contact me on the mailing list, or on
IRC. I really like to get CentOS work with FAI. Please give us
feedback on your progress.
regards Thomas

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