>>>>> On Thu, 21 Jul 2011 10:52:42 -0700, srivatsan s <srivatsan....@gmail.com> 
>>>>> said:

    > Now i have the latest fai3.4.8 version installed. Even now the Centos
    > installation fails.

    > and later i have these errors too
    > shell.log:++ error=127
    > shell.log:CENTOS/40-install-grub FAILED with exit code 127.
    > shell.log:+ trap 'error=$(($?>$error?$?:$error))' ERR
    > shell.log:chroot: failed to run command `grub-mkdevicemap': No such file 
    > directory
    > shell.log:++ error=127
    > shell.log:chroot: failed to run command `grub-probe': No such file or
Please show us the fai.log, but strip the part of the package
installation. But maybe you can fix the problem yourself.

I'm pretty sure your client does not belong to the class
CENTOS, because grub-probe and grub-mkdevicemap is only called if you
beling to the class GRUB_PC. If you have a look at
class/50-host-classes you will see that the centos example host
(called centos) does not use the class GRUB_PC.

regards Thomas

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