>>>>> On Tue, 29 Oct 2013 13:10:00 +0100, Olav Brinkmann <o...@v-brinkmann.de> 
>>>>> said:

    >   disk_config raid fstabkey:uuid
    >   raid1   /boot   sda1,sdb1   ext4    rw
    >   raid1   /       sda2,sdb2   ext4    rw

    > Everything seems OK so far, but during the installation run the default 
GRUB_PC/10-setup script fails at

    > root@thehost:~# $ROOTCMD grub-install --no-floppy "(md0)"
    > /usr/sbin/grub-probe: Fehler: no such disk.

    > Are there any prerequisites that I'm possibly missing?
Which FAI version are you using?
Did you install the package mdadm onto this machine?

If this does not help, please attach the format.log and parts of
the shell.log (concerning the grub script).
regards Thomas

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