
maybe there is a feature like this already but then I have to discover
that one yet.

We have a bunch of compute nodes in our server farm and some of these
only have a single HDD inside and some of an extra SSD besides the HDD.

Currently I'm using a small script which will determine to which class
this machine belongs to. It works but I think it would be much more
"natural" if setup-storage had the extra disk_config option "optional".

Usually I use a partition hook to order the devices I have, e.g.
$disklist is set-up so that the first entry will always be the HDD and
the second one will be the SSD (if present).

With the optional option I could then simly write:

disk_config disk1 disklabel:msdos fstabkey:uuid

primary  /             25000   xfs      rw
primary  /var          25000   xfs      rw
primary  swap          8192    swap     sw
primary /srv           1-      xfs      rw
disk_config disk2 disklabel:gpt fstabkey:uuid optional:yes
primary  /ssd    1-   xfs      rw

and be done with it.

Does this sound reasonable or did I already miss something like this?


Dr. Carsten Aulbert - Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
Callinstrasse 38, 30167 Hannover, Germany
phone/fax: +49 511 762-17185 / -17193

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