Hey Ian,

this is actually something I'm going to look into myself, because of personal interest. Currently, I'm working on another issue (was gone for the holidays) and once that's settled, I'll take a look at this.

Best regards,

On 02.01.2016 04:46, Ian Kelling wrote:
Doesn't seem to be supported in 5.0.1, but we should support it,

# start disk config
disk_config sda disklabel:gpt-bios bootable:1 fstabkey:uuid
primary /boot 500 ext4 rw
primary swap 2048 swap sw
primary - 0- - -

disk_config cryptsetup
luks:"test" - /dev/sda3 - -

disk_config btrfs fstabkey:uuid
btrfs single / sda3 noatime,subvol=@/
# end disk config

In the end of the format.log:

(CMD) mkfs.btrfs -d single  -f /dev/sda3 1> /tmp/gLiXor74AQ 2>
Executing: mkfs.btrfs -d single  -f /dev/sda3
(STDERR) Error: unable to open /dev/sda3: Device or resource busy
(STDERR) Error: unable to open /dev/sda3: Device or resource busy
Command had non-zero exit code

I tried replacing sda3 in the btrfs line with various things like
crypt_dev_sda3, dm-0, those give errors saying
"Cannot satisfy pre-depends"

Also tried btrfs on lvm, no go there either.

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