>>>>> On Fri, 22 Jul 2016 16:04:52 +0200, Steffen Grunewald 
>>>>> <steffen.grunew...@aei.mpg.de> said:

    > - the suggested "sed" commands need a "-i" option to write back to the 
same file

    > - while there is a -C option to fai-setup, to select multiple copies of 
    >   (/etc/fai) config tree, there's none for the log files (which get 
    >   as a result)
Yes, I know this. I didn't had a good idea for a solution. Any suggestions?
BTW, you can always redirect the output to a file.

    > - uninstalling fai-* may break if by accident /etc/fai was deleted, and 
    >   reinstalling (apt-get install --reinstall) fai-client and fai-server 
may fail
    >   to fix this - I had to edit the pre/postrm scripts kept in 
    >   to overcome this
I guess other package will also be broken if you remove their config
files by hand. If /etc/fai is missing, we cannot remove things that
where added to the system when adding the package.

    > - the "fai" user at least sometimes isn't removed on uninstall (?)
Without fai.conf we do not know the which account to delete.

    > Also, for Stretch, "libicu52" has to be replaced with "libicu55" in 
    > (I'm afraid, with all the transitions still going on, more will be added.)
I've added this as a comment to NFSROOT.

    > Are there plans for an official Stretch version?
I usually try to support the stable version of Debian as long as
possible, because a lot of FAI users are using stable.

That said, I will often switch the defaults in FAI (like sources.list,
package lists) only a short time before the next release. But I try to
make it easy to use the newest FAI version also for Debian testing.

If there's anything missing for stretch, please let me know, I'll try
to add it ASAP.

And thanks a lot for your feedback.
regards Thomas

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