On Thu, 2016-08-04 at 22:20 +0200, Thomas Lange wrote:
> I'm not sure if the kernel version or systemd or both are responsible
> for this. You may want to try a 4.x kernel from backports inside the
> nfsroot. Here's how to install the 4.x kernel inside the nfsroot:
> http://wiki.fai-project.org/wiki/Grml_Kernel

fwiw i'm running the linux-image-4.4.6-fai-amd64 kernel and systemd
228-6 (needed an update for disk/by-path support) in my jessie nfsroot.
nfsbooted, the network cards show up as eth0 & eth1.  once the install
is complete and the node is up as xenial they appear as enp3s0 & enp3s1
(or enp7s0f0 on different hw).

andrew bezella <abeze...@archive.org>
Internet Archive

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