After I configured the disk with LVM and encryption as shown below (and
suggested by another member in a previous thread, suddenly my GRUB was not
installing correctly. I'm not sure what could be causing this, as I don't
know what an error code of 127 means (and couldn't find it inside the
script, although I did just note that my second primary partition is of
127G, but that might just be a coincidence). Could someone help shed some
light on this?

# example of new config file for setup-storage
# <type> <mountpoint> <size>   <fs type> <mount options> <misc options>

# this is a copy of FAIBASE, but with metadata_csum disabled.
# Ubuntu XENIAL does not yet suport this option

disk_config /dev/sdb disklabel:msdos bootable:1 fstabkey:uuid

primary                   /boot             255M   ext2    rw
primary                   -                 127G-  -       -

disk_config cryptsetup
luks:"secret"             - /dev/sdb2       -      -

disk_config lvm
vg automni /dev/sdb2

automni-_root             /                 40G    ext4    rw
createopts="-O ^metadata_csum"
automni-_home             /home             40G    ext4    rw,nodev
createopts="-O ^metadata_csum"
automni-_tmp              /tmp              10G    ext4
rw,nodev,nosuid,noexec createopts="-O ^metadata_csum"
automni-_var              /var              10G    ext4    rw
createopts="-O ^metadata_csum"
automni-_var_log          /var/log          10G    ext4    rw
createopts="-O ^metadata_csum"
automni-_var_log_audit    /var/log/audit    1G     ext4    rw
createopts="-O ^metadata_csum"
automni-_swap             swap              16G    swap    sw

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