>>>>> On Tue, 6 Nov 2018 17:21:18 +0100, Robert Markula <rob...@markula.org> 
>>>>> said:

    > There seems to be a race condition in task_mountdisks for this specific
    > situation:

    > <snip fai.log>
    > Calling task_mountdisks
    > Mounting UUID=5fb71b06-e912-43c8-b6ec-06d39178b033 to /target/boot
    > Mounting UUID=324068ad-fcd7-432b-adc0-9fe1bc473864 to /target/
What is the order of /target/boot and /target in /tmp/fai/fstab during
the installation or /var/log/fai/local/host/last/fstab after the installation?
The script mount2dir just reads this file and mounts the partitions.

regards Thomas

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