Am 13.12.22 um 14:47 schrieb Diego Zuccato:
Hello all.

What's the recommended way to deploy (or re-deploy) security-sensitive objects (just to say one: private ssh key to avoid client warnings when redeploying a server)?

You could use RedHat's Latchset framework [1] with Clevis (on the client) and Tang (on the server).

It would roughly work as follows:

1. A secret is generated locally on the FAI client:
head -100 /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' > secret.txt

2. This secret is encrypted locally using the Tang server:
clevis encrypt tang '{"url":"","thp":"Jfmvz_ZjfbCgeFqAgWpTOIgEeRw4"}' < secret.txt > secret_ENCRYPTED.txt

Where 'Jfmvz_ZjfbCgeFqAgWpTOIgEeRw4' is the publically known key of the Tang server.

3. You can copy the 'secret_ENCRYPTED.txt' to any SSH server. Alternatively you could place this file in FAI's log directory, which gets conveniently copied to the FAI server at the end of the FAI installation run. The secret would then live on the FAI server in an encrpyted form.

4. From then on, the secret can be used by any kind of automated or manual process. Let's assume, the admin (you) wants to read the secret. You login to the FAI server, head to the FAI log dir and decrypt the secret, again using the Tang server:
clevis decrypt < secret_ENCRYPTED.txt > secret.txt

With Clevis and Tang, you could even define the requirement to use e.g. two different Tang servers in order to be able to decrypt the file. Or you could require to use one Tang server and a password or even the TPM. The framework is very flexible here.

But now for the really interesting part: you do not need (!) access to the Tang server when encrypting files. So the FAI client and the FAI server do not need access to the Tang server. You can encrypt files offline by providing the so-called public 'server advertisement' of the Tang server during encryption. So all clients can only encrypt, but never decrypt data. Your Salt server - or admin machine -, on the other hand, would have access to the Tang server and thus be able to automatically decrypt your secrets.

You can even use Clevis and Tang with LUKS in order to encrypt disks upon creation and decrypt them automatically during bootup. So during normal operation, fully encrypted systems are able to bootup without any hands-on requirement as long as the Tang server is reachable. But any intruder that steals your machines cannot decrypt the systems because he has no access to your internal Tang server. Fallback to password-based decryption is, of course, always possible.


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