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--- Begin Message ---
Hello FAI Users!
I have encountered a problem with the "setup-storage" module, I hope you can 
help me.

I've already read the manpage, but the example doesn't work for "Plain disk + 
LUKS + LVM2 example"
https://fai-project.org/doc/man/setup-storage.html or better formatting at: 
https://manpages.debian.org/bookworm/fai-setup-storage/setup-storage.8.en.html .
I want FAI to create finally following disk layout:
RAID1 (2 Disks), encrypted with LUKS and LVM
As first step I've tried to implement LVM.
This works without problems (with the included example).
As second step, I've tried LUKS with LVM.
But now my GRUB Bootloader can't find the encrypted LVM Pool.
It seems like FAI does not modify GRUB for LUKS decryption.
But I don't know if this must be done (I'm coming from Arch, but Debian is not 
my main world)
My disk_config is this 
 or in this Email:
disk_config disk1 fstabkey:uuid align-at:1M
primary /boot 500 ext4 rw,noatime
primary - 4G- - -
disk_config cryptsetup
luks:"passwd" - disk1.2 - -
disk_config lvm fstabkey:uuid
vg vg1 disk1.2
vg1-root / 3G- ext4 noatime,rw
The error message from a FAI Client (Screenshot).
See Attachment!

Now the question is, how can this be realized?
Does FAI do not configure GRUB for LVM decryption?
Or is only my disk config wrong?
Have you similar setups configured with FAI?
Can you give me some Code snippets?
The best would be a finished setup with RAID1 + LVM + LUKS.

Greetings from Germany (near Frankfurt am Main).
Paul Berz

--- End Message ---

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