
hope it's the correct list.

OS ubuntu 22.04 LTS or higher

is it possible to choose automatically the smaller disk?

In my case there is a Dell Server with RAID-Controller, configured:

sda = ca. 5 TB SSD for data - during install shall be not touched/formatted...

sdb = ca. 900 GB SAS = shall be root and OS installed

In other cases, sda = ca. 300 TB (data) and sdb ca. 500 GB => for OS.




Harald Baumgartner
Max-Planck-Inst. für Extraterrestrische Physik
Giessenbachstr.1, D-85741, Garching bei München, Germany
                   Phone :(Country Code 49) 89 30000-3346
                   e-mail: hmb @ mpe.mpg.de  (Fax: 49-89/30000-3569)

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