On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 09:54:07PM -0700, Don Owens wrote:

>   I've run into a problem of not being able to write a file in
> particular directories.  There is plenty of disk space left and there
> are plenty of inodes free.  Sometimes I can write out part of a file.
> Other times, I can create the file, but can't write anything to it.
> It is a temporary problem.  It goes away and then comes back after a
> while.  There are about 29,000 files in the directory.  Does anyone
> have a clue as to what's going on?  fsck says everything is okay.

Which filesystem? Have you strace'd the relevant processes to see what
syscalls they are using and what error returns are happening, if any?

>   I'm running a 2.2.5-15 SMP kernel under RedHat 6.0.

I would suggest trying an up-to-date kernel (2.2.12 is the latest stable
version I think). If you have a policy of only using vendor supplied updates
then I guess your bug report needs to go to them..

> I'm using an
> Adaptec AHA-2940U2 (ultra 2) SCSI controller on a server with dual 500
> MHZ PIII processors.

I'm racking my brains to try and remember if anything significant related to
the 2940 or SMP went in after 2.2.5, but that's quite a versions old now.
I think there might well have been relevant updates since then.

"downtown baby its a million to one, you can even name your poison.
standing in line by the exit sign, suicide alley is calling"

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