Hi Stephen,

    Well, I think I just uncovered the first, umm, detail for this release ;)  Got the following while trying to start an AIM VII fserver run on an AlphaPC164.  Disks are all 2GB narrow SCSI, hanging off of a single chain from a KZPCM (aka symbios 53c875).  Any hints (other than "don't run AIM yet" ;)?  After this, the multitask process went into a D state and was unkillable.  Help?

 - Pete

Script started on Fri Oct 15 10:02:07 1999
[root@mr-yellow aim7]# ./multitask -t
AIM Multiuser Benchmark - Suite VII v1.0, March 4, 1994
Copyright (C) 1993 AIM Technology
All Rights Reserved
Machine's name                                              : mr-yellow
Machine's configuration                                     : 2.2.12ext3
Number of iterations to run [1 to 10]                       : 1
Information for iteration #1
Starting number of operation loads [1 to 10000]             : 1
1) Run to crossover
2) Run to specific operation load           Enter [1 or 2]: 1
Operation load increment [1 to 1000]                        : 10
Using disk directory </mnt1>
Using disk directory </mnt2>
Using disk directory </mnt3>
Using disk directory </mnt4>
Using disk directory </mnt5>
Using disk directory </mnt6>
Using disk directory </mnt7>
HZ is <1024>
AIM Multiuser Benchmark - Suite VII Run Beginning
Tasks    jobs/min  jti  jobs/min/task      real       cpu
    1JFS unimplemented function journal_release_buffer

"Stephen C. Tweedie" wrote:

Hi all,

OK, a couple of weeks later than I'd hoped and massive numbers of
bug-fixes further on, ext3-0.0.2 is out.

This is the first usable release.  Apart from the critical failure
handling (handling of IO errors or memory allocation failures), this is
the first solid version of journaled ext2.

The on-disk format is not yet finalised: there will be format changes to
the journal in the future, but you will always have an upgrade migration
path involving backing off from ext3 and then re-upgrading to the new
ext3.  So go out and hammer on it.  (No, *not* on your production web
server --- not just yet!)

Find it at




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