Hi Andreas,

I only have experience with loop devices, but with these it should be
trivial to extend the size of those, but since the setup ioctl (losetup
executes this) finds the size of the device, you will need to change
that.  From there on you'll be fine.

In loop.c add an ioctl and do something like:

figure_loop_size("this loop dev");

that should cure the size that is stuck.

- Peter -

Andreas Dilger wrote:
> Andries writes:
> > Such things are possible these days.
> > Find a recent kernel and a recent util-linux (source) distribution.
> > In the fdisk directory you'll find tiny utilities addpart.c and delpart.c
> > that will add and remove partitions on a disk that is otherwise in use.
> The issue isn't being able to add and remove other partitions on a disk,
> but rather to change the size of the underlying partition for a filesystem
> that is currently mounted.  I tried again with util-linux-2.9g, but the
> kernel still thinks the partition is the old size.  I will have to look
> into this to see if it is possible to update the kernel partition info
> for the mounted partition with an IOCTL.
> Cheers, Andreas
> --
> Andreas Dilger  \ "If a man ate a pound of pasta and a pound of antipasto,
>                  \  would they cancel out, leaving him still hungry?"
> http://www-mddsp.enel.ucalgary.ca/People/adilger/               -- Dogbert

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