On Sat, 16 Oct 1999, Andreas Dilger wrote:

> Hello all,
> my online ext2 resizer is now available in a fully functional state.  If
> the underlying partition supports it, it is possible to resize an ext2
> filesystem while it is mounted and in use by applications.

        Have you looked at all into how well it works on RAID partitions?
Ideally I'd love to be able to stick a pair of disks into a system, rescan
the SCSI bus to pick them up, add them onto the end of my RAID 0+1 (striped/
mirrored) raid, and then increase the ext2 partition on the RAID.  All
without having to drop the system.  I'm fairly sure it can't be done with
the current set of tools and whatnot, but that's one thing I'd love to see.
        Don't get me wrong, ext2 resizing is very nice, just would be nice
to be able to resize RAID things to go along with it...


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