In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Andrea 
eli writes:
| then. It's a namespace issue. If I put my inode in my directory it must
| not finish into /tmp after some time by somebody that has nothing to do
| with me.


"Namespace issue"?  Perhaps you should learn some Unix before declaring how 
its filesystem namespace works....  The primary namespace is <dev,inumber>.  
Directory entries map names to those (dev being implicit), and the only 
reason it's got any restrictions is that you can't write an fsck that can 
cope with e.g. hard links to directories.

You don't "put" inodes in directories.  You link to them --- implicitly by 
creation, or explicitly with the link() syscall --- and unlink from them.  
But inodes are not dependent on directory entries; that's how 
unlink-after-open works to create anonymous temporary files which will stick 
around as long as *any* reference to them (link, open file, current 
directory, etc.) exists.

brandon s. allbery         os/2,linux,solaris,perl      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator       kthkrb,heimdal,gnome,rt        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
carnegie mellon / electrical and computer engineering                   kf8nh
    We are Linux. Resistance is an indication that you missed the point.

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