On Tue, 7 Dec 1999, David Bialac wrote:

> For fun (and because I think it might be a useful feature), I'm working 
> on a filesystem that allows a website to be mounted as a local 
> filesystem.  I'm starting to dive in, and successfully have the kernel 
> recognizing that webfs exists, so it's now time to write some socket 
> code.  Amongst the thing I want to put into this system is caching of 
> server data locally, specifically on the local filesystem.  The 
> question I have is, can one filesystem ask to write to another?  I 
> don't see anythinng in there that seems to attempt to do this, so I 
> need to be sure said is possible.

It's called CODA and it already exists. No need to reinvent the wheel
1001st time.

> Why this is not as stupid as it sounds:  Imagine the internet-enabled 
> appliance scenario: today, if say a DVD manufacturer has a glitch in 
> their DVD player, the only fix is to take it in for repair.  If the 
> device was internet-enabled, and further read its software off the web, 
> it could conceivably update software on the fly without the inconvience 
> of the user going without his player.  Nother scenario: you could save 

<politely> You've seen how many Linux-based DVD players? And if you've
seen such a beast, what changes from putting the thing into the kernel
instead of using wget(1)? </politely> IOW, _that_ rationale is pure

> your files to a website run anywhere, then download them anywhere.

It's spelled 'FTP'. And it doesn't need to be in the kernel either.
Had been used for that purpose since 70s.

What next, JabbaScript in the kernel? I don't think so.

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