"David S. Miller" wrote:
>    Date:        Wed, 12 Apr 2000 01:30:42 +0000
>    From: Andrew Morton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    They say "device or resource busy" several times then give up,
>    leaving a dirty fs.
> Does it actually run a full e2fsck on the filesystem upon
> reboot?

Yes.  I'm seeing it on Mandrake 7.0 and RedHat 6.2/Alpha.

My machines are often doing fsck-on-boot anyway due to normal kernel
development so it didn't concern me very much ;)


Jeff Garzik              | Nothing cures insomnia like the
Building 1024            | realization that it's time to get up.
MandrakeSoft, Inc.       |        -- random fortune

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