On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 05:18:21PM +1000, Andrew Clausen wrote:
> Guest section DW wrote:
> > This type already exists - it is called extended partition.
> > For each logical partition you can choose the offset yourself.
> > (And never mind cylinder boundaries - geometry is out.)
> This won't work in general, because DOS expects only one extended
> partition.  We need something that DOS recognises as a single vanilla
> partition.
> Andrew Clausen

Let me partially contradict you.
DOS can handle 23 of these partitions.
In the above I did not necessarily mean "outer extended" - the
"inner extended" also work. Thus, as soon as something lives inside
the outer extended partition, that is, as soon as something is a logical
partition, one has this possibility of using a starting offset.

But indeed, it does not work in general, that is why I said "logical".

[And this is a theoretical discussion only. It would be rather unwise
to actually use this freedom DOS gives you.
It would also be rather unwise to invent new freedom for ext2.]


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