
>Here's the proposed mount-time tailmerging algorithm which was originally
>posted as an attachment summarizing a series of emails between me and Stephen
>Tweedie on this subject:


first of all I admit to only just joining this list and consequently, I 
don't know the history of this thread, so I'd ask that you forgive me if I 
now ask a stupid question ;-)  Just tell me to pull my head in.

Would this algorithm be clearer to all interested parties if you had a 
couple of diagrams?  I guess you only want to do this if you want some peer 
review by those who are "visual" people.  If you're just politely 
communicating what you and Steven have already decided, then fair 
enough.  It's just that I struggle to see what's happening without a 
diagram or two.  Maybe something on a web page?  Even some scanned sketches...


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