After more than 10 years as the Linux-HA project leader,  I've decided to
create a new leadership structure.

One of my original success criteria for the project was that it eventually
would not need me.   In the last few years, it has seemed more and more
likely that we'd reached this plateau of success - and the time has come to
put that supposition to the test.

Effective today, I am appointing a team of three people to lead and govern
the project going forward.  These three outstanding people have proved
themselves key contributors to the project, and are ready and willing to
take over the reins of leadership - and lead the project into the future.

These people are: Keisuke MORI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                   Dave Blaschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                   Lars Marowsky-Bree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As for me, my current assignment in IBM doesn't permit me to spend full
time on the project, but I will continue to promote and contribute to
the project as time permits.  Should future circumstances permit it, I
expect that I will increase my efforts the project again.

Congratulations to Mori-san, Dave and Lars!   They're working out their new
roles, scheduling releases, and so on.   Expect to hear from them soon!

       -- Alan Robertson
          Linux-HA founder, Linux-HA project leader emeritus
Linux-ha-announce mailing list

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