On 2006-06-16T12:43:12, Huang Zhen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >Clone or m/s is NOT a flag you can switch off and on on a primitive. It
> >is a container for one.
> Do you mean adding a clone or m/s first, then add resource to it later?
> If no body opposes it, I will do it.
> The workload should be less than on day.

And again you'll need to create an empty container, right? 

You'll probably need to regression test that a clone / m/s without a
containee will in fact not crash anything, as well as relax the DTD.

But, what you REALLY need to do is to create the container _and_ the
first contained resource (at least). Something else doesn't make sense.

I think Andrew and I have been flogging that horse for the better part
of some weeks now...

    Lars Marowsky-Brée

High Availability & Clustering
SUSE Labs, Research and Development
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