Peter Wong wrote:
> Greetings: 
> I have two node called "pwhaone" and "pwhatesttwo", configured 
> as follows in the cib.xml:
> ---
> <nodes>
>   <node id="648c7f1b-8f3e-472e-ade4-7c302c433cb6" uname="pwhaone"
> type="normal"/>
>   <node id="6fb2d08b-a6bb-4d23-aa39-4a44f3c46ba1" uname="pwhatesttwo"
> type="normal"/>
> </nodes>
> ---
> I also have just one resource group, say called it R.
> Now, if I start heartbeat just on node "pwhatesttwo" it'll 
> start running resource R there. Then if I start heartbeat on 
> node "pwhaone", resource R will be stopped on the node 
> "pwhatesttwo" and migrated to the node "pwhaone".
> On the other hand, if I start node "pwhaone" first, resource 
> R will continue running there even if I start the node 
> "pwhatesttwo" (i.e. the resource R won't be migrated). 
> The question is: what attributes are needed in the cib.xml file 
> in order to have the situation in which the resource R will 
> stay where it is running and won't automatically switched 
> to a newly started node. (i.e. In the first scenario, I 
> want R to stay on node "pwhatesttwo" even I start the node 
> "pwhaone".

I've created bugzilla 1495 to document this issue.

    Alan Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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