On 2007-06-12T03:33:33, Xinwei Hu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
>   I'm trying to run haclient on the Windows platform. The biggest difficulty 
> is to port the C code of lib/mgmt to mingw/cygwin platform.
>   A much eaiser step, which I take now, is to rewrite the client part of 
> lib/mgmt in pure python (ctypes + gnutls binding). The windows version of 
> haclient now works with minimum modification (popen(uuidgen) is replaced with 
> uuid.uuid4()). :)
>   As this change will impose some extra dependencies on python and python 
> libraries, I'd like to know your comments on this :)
>   The source code is under cleaning up, I'll send it out soon.

SWIG should be able to help you quite a bit there.

Further, Andrew has a gnutls based interface directly to the CIB, just
in case you want to do away with the mgmtd stuff ;-)


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