> Hi, All
> I add the new function for heartbeat-2.0.8 and attached its patch file.
> The function is to apply the new timeout parameters ( keepalive,
> deadtime, deadping, warntime ) without stopping the heartbeat services.
> Currently heartbeat boot scripts supply the 'reload' or 'forcereload'
> function, but it, they are same, does stop the services and the HA
> services are moved to standby node, because its process kills the forked
> heartbeat processes and clients ( crmd etc. ).
> So, we think to without suspending the services make the changing
> parameters to apply to driving nodes. Current feature is following.
> 1. changing ha.cf <http://ha.cf> file for 4 parameters
> 2. send working parent heartbeat process signal SIGRTMAX ( e.g. kill -s
> SIGRTMAX `cat /var/run/heartbeat.pid` (Why do I choose SIGRTMAX? I do
> not find the unused good signal.)
> As we research the heatbeat, it may be safety. And I want to listen to
> your issues for patch and functions.

Sorry to be coming in so late on this, but I was working on the release
for many weeks now.  I really like the idea of dynamically modifying the
heartbeat configuration - but if you're going to go to the trouble to do
it, I'd like to see it done more generally.

In other words, I'd like to be able to change nearly any  parameter in
ha.cf at run time without restarting heartbeat.

This would require reworking (and improving) the way heartbeat starts
up.  This would be probably about twice or three times as much work as
what you've done, but it would be much more useful, and much more general.

In the end, if done right, it could be groundwork to letting let us
eventually be able receive config updates from the CIB.  [I know there's
a bootstrapping issue, but we can deal with that when we get to deciding
to do that work].

I have thought about this and have some specific ideas on what kinds of
things need to be done to make this happen.

    Alan Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Openness is the foundation and preservative of friendship...  Let me
claim from you at all times your undisguised opinions." - William
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